K-12 Arts Program
Eileen McVicar Schnyder, Coordinator
(860)258-7721, ext 22063
Art in Our Schools
- Rocky Hill High School [Grades 9-12]
- Griswold Middle School [Grades 6-8]
- Moser School [Grades 4-5]
- Stevens Elementary [Grades K-3]
- West Hill Elementary [Grades K-3]
Art Program Vision
The RHHS Art Department recognizes the impact that the arts have on all learning, but also understand the profound benefits that a comprehensive art program can provide. We offer students an emotionally safe, intellectually stimulating learning environment.
It is the goal of the Rocky Hill art program to provide students with a comprehensive art education, creating visually and culturally literate students. We believe in challenging the students, cultivating the creative spirit and encouraging self-expression and communication. Aligned with the new National Core Art Standards, a conceptual framework for arts learning, our sequential program focuses on creating, responding, performing and connecting.
While creating, students are challenged to problem solve, develop concepts, make media choices, develop technical skill, and gain exposure to multiple media. During the responding phase, students develop critical thinking, communication and evaluation skills. The performance phase involves preparing work for presentation, curating, interpreting and sharing the works. Through art history and the study of various cultures, students develop cultural awareness, learning to relate artistic ideas and work with personal meaning and external context. The art curriculum supports the development of life-long learning abilities and the aesthetic skills necessary to appreciate beauty and to improve the quality of life for a more cultured and educated society.
Art Department EVENTS
Here you can see select works from each of the schools in the district.
Here is a claymation entirely created by our aspiring animator Ella.
This work in progress was a large undertaking by one of our visionary students. This large mosaic was started at the beginning of the year, and will most likely extend into next year. I have included an image here to celebrate the design process. We look forward to the finished product :)

awards and recognition
- Hill-Stead Museum
- New Britain Museum of American Art
- Real Art Ways
- Springfield Museums
- Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art
- William Benton Museum of Art
- Yale Center for British Art
- Yale University Art Gallery
- Brookfield Craft Center
- Canton Clayworks
- Connecticut School of Jewelry Art
- Creative Arts Workshop
- Farmington Valley Art Center
- Glastonbury Arts
- Peter Greenwood Glass Studios
- Snow Farm-New England Craft
- UHart High School Workshops
- West Hartford Art League
- Wethersfield Academy of the Arts
- Wethersfield Art League