Annual DPA Parent Notification
Technology is used to support the curriculum on a daily basis. A list of approved instructional apps, websites, and software can be found on the Rocky Hill Public Schools Approved Technology List along with vendor privacy policies and data privacy agreements for any program that uses student data. When using technology at school, students are able to access the Internet in a safe way because of teacher supervision and the district’s Internet filter, GoGuardian. For more information about safeguarding children’s Internet usage at home, please visit our Curriculum website and click on Instructional Technology on the left.
Technology Contacts
Director of Technology
Chris Guay
Network Administrator
Matt Fazzina
Technology Mission
The Rocky Hill Public Schools Office of Technology aims to provide robust, reliable and efficient technology to maximize curriculum delivery and educational opportunity for our entire school community. By fulfilling our mission in a timely, professional, and efficient manner, we will maintain and build up a strong technological foundation to enhance 21st century learning and foster administrative productivity.
Technology Vision
The Rocky Hill Public Schools Office of Technology Vision is to integrate modern technology within the curriculum to maximize student engagement, collaboration, and inclusivity to create a 21st Century learning environment. The department strives to provide staff with the necessary technology to actively cultivate new, innovative, and captivating learning experiences across Rocky Hill Public Schools.